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Category: Opinion

post Art, Culture, Opinion

How do brands create new experiences and drive emotions through art?

While fine art and corporate businesses might seem like two worlds that are separated by a concrete wall, the synergies have been becoming more and more prominent over the last few years. With the raise of the experiential economy, people are no longer satisfied with buying a product or a service… Instead of materialistic attributes...

March 29, 2023
post Art, Opinion

Why Do Brands Integrate Art?

While seeing Chanel being wrapped up in dreamy clouds with the use of AI or Andrés Reisinger going viral with the dreamy pink city take overs, I caught myself referencing the impressive take overs by Christo and thinking about the transformation and the impact that art collaborations have on brands, institutions and in some cases...

February 27, 2023
post Art, Opinion, People

CANVAS Founding Story

Living in London, being surrounded by creatives and inspired by all the ups and downs of the big city, I have developed a strong desire to support emerging talents on their way to becoming top level artists, getting their names known and their stories told. Working for over 10 years for some of the biggest...

February 6, 2023
post Opinion

Oslo – One of our favourite cities

In spite of being notorious for its weather, Oslo is making an easy way into the list of favourite cities. It is truly one of the European capitals where love for innovation, art and environment is at the forefront of daily life. The district of Aker Brygge, which used to be a home of the...

August 24, 2020
post Art, Opinion

Ai WeiWei talks about the lock down

As part of the Soho House digital events, Ali Aslan has interviewed the artist and the activist Ai WeiWei who spoke about the lock down, the new normal and the upcoming documentary on Covid-19. When asked to give advice the artist suggested that “Now is the moment to re-think our activities and our past. The...

July 11, 2020