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Makhmud Makhmudzade – the artist, designer, architect.

Makhmud Makhmudzade – the artist, designer, architect.

He was born in Baku, Azerbaijan and spent his childhood in Algeria where his father worked. Makhmud started drawing at the age of three and has made it his life journey when he enrolled to study art at university.

The artist has participated in multiple international exhibitions and projects. Between 1988 and 2020 he showed his works in Azerbaijan, France, USA, Russia, UK, Latvia and Norway.
Throughout his career Makhmud has been participating in summits organised by the art foundation of Baku.

The nature of his drawings are linked to multiple fields of interest such as architecture and design. Developments of design and landscape projects are always marked with exquisite taste and professionalism.

We are starting our introduction to Makhmud’s art with the Algeria series. There is a deep passion for the country and its traditions that is rooted in the childhood of the artist. The scenes are memories, there is reality in every work.

“I am the artist who has been discovering own style. I am inspired with my surrounding and by everything that I see and think about. It can be a fisherman’s hut where I spent a night. It can be my cats or a bird that flew over and of course the sea, my travels, Algeria where I grew up and many more”.

We invite you to immerse yourself in the warm comfort of the series…