Artist details

P-Dram is the French-Iranian painter with a distinct technique, working on primary colours, and geometrical abstraction.
“As the artist reveals the world from his inner perceptions, I have intuitively felt that geometrical shapes were the code source of frequencies that form the existence.
My intuition, is now confirmed by many scientists, the “Shape Power” theory by Dan A. Davidson, was the first step in this new approach of understanding the universe, by getting ahead of numbers and words. To simplify, any geometrical shape has a specific frequency, which aligns with other shapes, creates the infinity of existing matter, including biological, mineral and energy waves. Knowing that all is energy, with shapes modulated in accordance to their vibrations, we understand that we are geometrical structures.”
The New York collection by P-Dram, composed of 11 multi panel paintings, is an expression of the meaning generated by shapes and colours. With modulating possibilities linked to the changes that can be achieved by repositioning each panel according to the viewers perspective.